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Outdoor stone flooring and wall covering

The Natural stone  is a solution for outdoor covering, floors and walls  that never goes out of style. The versatility of this type of material allows it to be used in the construction sector, both for internal and external parts.
There are different types of natural stone for outdoor flooring and wall covering: some are particularly valuable, by virtue of their structural characteristics, aesthetic appearance and reaction to time and atmospheric events..

The characteristics of outdoor flooring

The most used outdoor stones  are porphyry and Luserna stone. Their physical characteristics make them perfect for outdoor flooring. These materials are in fact very resistant to frost, wear and maintain their characteristics over time. Luserna stone, in particular, thanks to its high flexibility, resists external stresses even in much reduced thickness. Among the outdoor floor items, we find pavers, strips, cubes, squared floors, flagstones.

Outdoor Stone Cladding

Stone wall cladding give an elegance and refinement of another time. There are different types of cladding materials, some more modern, such as square tiles, others more rustic such as cladding strips and wall stones, the latter widely used in mountain chalets. In addition, wall stone coverings ensure high thermal and acoustic insulation, keeping the rooms cool in summer and warm in winter.

Outdoor driveway stone flooring

Il Outdoor driveway stone flooring has to last over time. To make quality flooring on all outdoor surfaces, subject to the constant passage of vehicles and people, Luserna stone is an optimal solution. The thickness of the slabs is generally between 4 and 12 cm.
Another particularly performing solution is the ALPINKER 3.0, which is a faithful reproduction of Luserna stone in 3 cm thick porcelain stoneware tiles, certified for vehicles. Ideal for outdoor floors, this material is very resistant despite its thickness of just 3 cm

Indoor stone cladding

Stone claddings are nowadays widely used also inside homes. They give a rustic and precious aspect to the rooms. Luserna stone, in particular, in its numerous chromatic variations, constitutes a truly sophisticated solution. In addition, the stone insulates the rooms well, which remain cool in summer and warm in winter.

Outdoor stone: Price Overview

The cost of outdoor stone  can vary according to both the material used and the processing to which the stone is subjected. For example, a natural split Luserna stone cladding is generally inferior to that of non-natural products.


Natural stone is the optimal solution for covering outdoor and indoor surfaces: porphyry pavers, cubes, squared floors and flagstones, for example, are practically eternal, from both a structural and an aesthetic point of view.
Luserna stone has characteristics such as flexibility, resistance over time and a valuable aesthetic impact: in the form of flagstones, slabs, cubes or cladding strips, it is a versatile material to cover walls and floors.
The choice of the most suitable materials depends on your budget, personal taste and the type of work you want to do. An excellent alternative to stone, as far as outdoor flooring is concerned, is porcelain stoneware with Luserna stone effect: the Alpinker. Elegant and resistant, it is produced in 2 or 3 cm thick tiles and guarantees a shorter laying time than natural stone.
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